13th Birthday
The best birthday party that I have ever had was my 13th birthday party. After multiple days of begging I was able to convince my parents to get a limo to drive my friends and I to go mini golfing. As the party started sure enough on my driveway stood a limo that was basically the size of my driveway looking at me as if it was saying '' no I'm not a hallucination''. A real fancy dude named Pete walked out tipped his cap and opened the doors for us. After stating ''thank you my good man'' I got into the limo, sipped my sprite and put my feet up on the ledge. It was a mighty fine 20 minute drive to the golfing place and the golfing was very exciting and competitive being the winner got the first piece of cake at the house. Afterwards Pete opened back up our doors, rode us to school where summer school was just getting out, let us wave and laugh at a few kids and later drove us home. When arriving at the house we gave Pete his money, shoved our faces with cake and pizza and called it a night. It was surly a day to remember.